Friday, April 24, 2009

Team Building Class

We have a new class called TEAM BUILDING CLASS
It is a class which teaches us about leadership, teamwork,creativity,responsibilities,promise and others.
This class will be handled by Sgt Sin Yee.

We started our first class on today.
For afternoon section, they had learnt about obedience.

Obedience means do what one is told to do
It is a good habit and can train us to be a person of discipline

How do we practise obedience?
- By doing drill
- Listen and follow the instructions given by parents, teachers, officers, ncos, seniors

And for morning section, we had learnt about impossible to possible
Nothing is impossible is you think you can

Why it to be impossible?
- Never give it a try before
- Have no ideas to start a new thing
- Not believing
- I CAN’T do it
- I have no confidence

Why could it be possible?
- Paying 100% commitment
- Dare to risk, to share
- Giving opinions
- Open minded, trusting each others
- Support and listen to others’ opinions

After listening the class, we had a sharing time
We shared our own opinions about our Platoon situation
and discussed together for the solutions

We also played some games during the time
We found that the importance of obedience and everything is possible through the games.

It is a interesting and meaningful class
hope that everyone can remember the things we learnt today,
recall what we did wrongly before and start to change it now.

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