The followed was the checklist for Penang BB Pesta 2010 (11 Jun - 15 Jun)
Essentials 1. Clothings - Enough for 6 days
- Track pants/long pants
- Towel
- Sport shoes
- Slippers
- Cap
- Socks
Additional- Beachwear
2. Toiletries - Shower foam/ bath soap
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Toothpaste
- Sunblock lotion
3. Water bottle - 1.5L water bottle- for refills
4. Sleeping Bag
Must Bring1. Company shirts - Blue (50th Anniversary)
- Red
2. Pesta t-shirt - Will be given
3. Green T-shirt - 1 plain green T-shirt
4. Full ceremonial uniform - A set of uniform
- Field Service Cap
- Haversack
- Boots
- Dark blue or black socks
- Chevron (for NCOs)
- Lanyard ( for NCOs)
- A pair of gloves (for bandsmen)
- Band shoes ( for bandsmen)
parts - Runner
Haversack botton
Blue tie
5. Polishing kits - Black kiwi, brasso , cloth
6. Costumes - For singing group/ Dancing / colour guard
7. Personal perscribed medication - Allergy , asthma , etc...
8. Sportmanship
9. Friendlinss
10. Highest standard of discipline
11. Respect for one another
12. Love and care
Optional - Camera
- Bible
- Whistle
- hangers
- Torch light
Not to Bring - Your Arrogance
- Your Ignorance
- Make-up kit ( except for singing / dancing group if necessary)