Yahoo!!!Drill Training Course was finished !!!From 30th May to 1st June 2009,
this three days and two nights,
Platoon B had organised a drill training course at SMK Taman Tun Aminah.
The purpose of this camp obviously was to train our drill standard.
But through this training course,
we learnt more than this,
like the spirit of teamwork, obedience, discipline, physical training, drill theory, drill down, commanding skill, polishing and even bugle call.
There were about 50 ++ members attended this training course.
The first day, we gathered at school before 08.00 am.After briefing from Sgt Sin Yee and Mr. Lee,we started to separate into two teams.There were footdrill team and ngo team.And our Drill Training Course was STARTED !!!+ Drill Practical Time +
Selecting people

Remember do it well and do it smart also
Sgt Jeremy was giving advises

The wood sticks were used to make our shoulders become open and wider

Doing ' frog jump ' to train our footwork

Kena punishment but still want to take photo with big smiles =.=
+ Drill Theory Time +

Drill theory basic was taught by Mr. Lee

Be concentrated !!!

Mr. Jason incharged of drill theory advance

Seniors who were taking drill advance class
+ Commanding Time +
We were separated into a few groups
and learnt the commanding skill from our officers.

Be confident and shout out the command loudly ^^

Keep it up...Gambateh
+ Physical Training Time +
It was Handled by Sgt Evonne Hooi
Warm up

It is sit up not zip up.. haha
+ Polishing Time +
There were two sections of polishing class
which were boots and buckle.
We went into the classrooms in turns by group.
= Boots Section =
Boots section was handled by Teacher Kee
and some of our drill squad seniors
= Buckle Section =
This section was handled by Teacher Jeremy Koh

+ Games Time +
Besides all that, we had played small games also.
This games was to test cooperation, tactic and footwork.


Lift the water pail higher and higher a bit

Three group leaders was going to sabo another group...haha
On the second day morning, we played a games called city expedition.
It was an outing games.
We had divided into four groups
and needed to complete some tasks outside of school.

Cpl Lilian's group

Cpl Jing Hui's group at 'haocheng steamboat '

L/cpl Sin Kang's group

Going back to school

Preparing for taking group photo

Group photo
Yeah ! It was over ~
Thanks to all committees, officers, sgts and participants for this training course. Although drill training course was ended, every members please continue to pratise and learn. Keep it up and remember our aim - INTER-PLATOON CHAMPION !!!